The following text is channeled material. The author, my guide, has the name Ophir. This text was channeled on July 21, 2013.
You can let go of struggle by choosing to appreciate whatever life brings. You can choose to experience life in a spirit of adventure, if you let go of the impulse to control what happens. You can stay open to receive gifts of experience. If you laugh, if you play, if you relax into a gentle state of observing, you will see the unfolding events of your life as simply experience. You can learn that within every challenging experience in your life there is a gift, a blessing, an opportunity for spiritual growth. There are times when life is difficult. But you can choose to reframe every difficult experience and see your experiences from a higher level. If you zoom out from the present moment, from the eternal now, and look over the entire scope, from the beginning to end of your life experience, you'll be able to see that each event, whether you initially considered it good or bad, fortunate or unfortunate, has formed a part of the critical path towards your growth and evolution. When you begin to consciously reframe events that in the past you might have considered unfortunate and think of them instead as opportunities, you'll be able to engage in more experiences that are without any trappings of misfortune. Claim the power of choice. Every emotion, every thought you have can be chosen from the vast vocabulary of possibilities. Use a discerning attention and choose thoughts and emotions that are joyful instead of frightening, painful or sad. You can look at each event in your life, no matter how challenging, as a doorway into a new elevation, into a higher point of view. You can see each event as a step up. You can learn to trust that you will continue to travel along a gently elevating path of growth--not only through the experiences you desire and want to create, but also through the experiences that come to you as unexpected. --Ophir Painting: James Stephens, Weeping Willow, Laughing Hyena, 2007, acrylic gouache on panel with plexiglass, 10" x 16"
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